Sunday, February 7, 2010

One movie down!

We seriously almost never go to the movie theater. I had no intentions of seeing Avatar because I really didn't get what the hype was all about. Then my parents went. I think the last movie they saw in a theater was Home Alone in 1990. I'm not kidding.

Once we heard their glowing review we had to go see it. We weren't sorry. Although I think the price tag on movies is pretty ridiculous, seeing Avatar in 3D was worth it.

Pat already wants to go see it again at the IMAX. I can't do IMAX because I have such bad motion sickness. In all reality, the 3D was kind of pushing it and I still have a slight headache.

Well I'm not going to review it. If you don't know what it's about by now you must have been living under the same rock I was.

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